Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Songwriting as Hell on Earth?

Lyrics in Songwriting Example:
Book Excerpt: Tunesmith: Inside the Art of Songwriting by Jimmy Webb

I've always found songwriting, or any serious writing for that matter, a complete struggle -- and at one time I even considered giving it up completely, thinking that if I were 'meant' to be a writer everything would just come naturally. Well my moment of vindication finally came when I read something that Jimmy Webb wrote...

"Most amateurs do not regard the writing of songs as serious hard work... In reality, however, songwriting is Hell on Earth. If it isn't, then you're doing it wrong." -- Jimmy Webb, Tunesmith: Inside the Art of Songwriting

Talk about taking the 'edge' off. This little bit of wisdom went a long way in making me realize that the 'struggle' is part of the process -- and it's okay. And no matter how good you get, you'll continue to struggle as you strive to develop and re-fine your craft. Ultimately, that's the only way an artist can grow.

Tunesmith: Inside the Art of Songwriting (book) - Jimmy Webb

TuneSmith: Inside the Art of Songwriting

Jimmy Webb Links:
Jimmy Webb: TuneSmith: Inside the Art of Songwriting Book
Jimmy Webb Wikipedia

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